The problem with the Maven release plugin
Performing releases with Maven is most of the time a job for the maven-release-plugin, as it easily performs all the necessary steps and checks that will help producing a reliable, repeatable and identifiable release.
That being said, using the plugin as it is intended to be used adds some drawbacks to the global release process, mostly because it is performed in two steps: first prepare then perform
- Build is made twice: once for the prepare phase to be sure everything is fine with the release, once for the effective release perform, which actually produces the deliverables
- Release takes longer to be cut than it could be if compilation, tests and packaging were only made once
- Artifacts generated by the prepare phase are not the same ones that will be produced by the perform phase. When using a build pipeline to perform wider tests during the prepare phase, these tests will not validate the final artifacts, which can raise confidence issue about these tests
- If something fails during the deployment of artifacts at perform phase (that shouldn’t happen, but as usual, this will happen), you can end up with a part of your artifacts deployed and a SCM tag already added. Not always a situation that is easy to get out of
Using Jenkins to orchestrate an efficient release process
The core of a release process are the steps made to guarantee that your produced artifacts do suit the need, and that this release can be identifiable and repeatable later. That is the part of the job the release plugin does fine, and something that will have to be set up. Fortunately, several Maven plugins can be used together to provide the desired set of features, without the drawbacks presented above. And of course, Jenkins can help orchestrate that nicely.
These are the steps that we use to ensure a proper release process, and how each step is implemented:
Checking that they are no local modifications on the working copy
This step will easily be implemented by telling Jenkins to use an appropriate checkout strategy. For example, with SVN choose either:
- Always check out a fresh copy
- Use ‘svn update’ as much as possible, with ‘svn revert’ before update
This will help ensuring your build only contains committed items, helping it be identifiable and repeatable.
Setting the project to its release version
The versions Maven plugin will be used to perform this simple step.
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.Z. For multi-modules projects, this will also by default update the <parent> tag as well as the dependencies between your own modules. This is one asset for making the release identifiable. In Jenkins, we just have to add a “Invoke top-level Maven targets” pre-step that launches that mojo.
Ensuring there is no more SNAPSHOT dependencies
The Maven enforcer plugin can be configured to make the build fail if it detects any SNAPSHOT dependency. As you probably do want to have SNAPSHOT dependencies during non-release builds (at least for multi-modules projects), using a Maven property that will by default make the enforcer plugin accept SNAPSHOTs will greatly help. Here is some XML configuration excerpt that configures the enforcer plugin:
<properties> <snapshotDependencyAllowed>true</snapshotDependencyAllowed> </properties> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <!-- Make sure that only non-snapshot versions are used for the dependencies. Only active when property 'snapshotDependencyAllowed' is false. --> <id>enforce-no-snapshots</id> <goals> <goal>enforce</goal> </goals> <configuration> <skip>${snapshotDependencyAllowed}</skip> <rules> <requireReleaseDeps> <message>No Snapshots Allowed!</message> </requireReleaseDeps> <requireReleaseVersion> <message>No Snapshots Allowed!</message> </requireReleaseVersion> </rules> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin>
With this configuration, nothing will really happen unless you override the snapshotDependencyAllowed value to false. When the release build will be launched, just adding -DsnapshotDependencyAllowed=false to the Maven goal launched by Jenkins will help making your release repeatable, as you will only depend on release artifacts.
Performing the release build
In our Jenkins orchestration, this will not be a matter of launching the deploy phase, but rather the install one, to avoid deploying modules before being sure the project as a whole is correct. Using the ability of Jenkins to keep artifacts for later deployment, the core build will just consist of launching this command:
mvn clean install -DsnapshotDependencyAllowed=false -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false. We already saw why the snapshotDependencyAllowed parameter is set to false. About the maven.test.failure.ignore property, this is to be set if you are not using a Jenkins version that contains the fix for this issue.
Performing additional checks and processes
After the core build, other tasks might have to be performed, whether it is validation, documentation deployment… Using Jenkins post-steps for such tasks is quite simple, and if one of the tasks fails, you still don’t have deployed or commit anything, so you can fix it and launch the process once again. Some steps can also be set before the core build, such as locking the repository to be sure no one will perform an unwanted commit, telling CI servers to temporarily disable jobs related to the version you’re releasing, or whatever steps is valuable in your organization.
Checking in modified POMs and tagging
Once the core build has passed, we can finalize the release process, first by committing the POMs modified by the execution of the versions Maven plugin. In the same time we can also tag the release. In our Jenkins build, a simple Maven post-step can be added, which such invocation of the Maven SCM plugin:
scm:checkin scm:tag -Dtag=TAG_NAME. Use parameters such as message, username and password to fit your needs. Tagging will ensure you can identify your release code.
Moving the project back to SNAPSHOT state
After the check-in and the tag, we can consider the release as done in terms of code. Project has now to be put back in a development state. As for the previous steps, Maven post-steps in Jenkins will be used to perform the necessary mojos invocations. Here we can split the operation in two commands setting the new version and committing the changes:
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.Zand
mvn scm:checkin. As for the previous step, you can add the message, username and password parameters when invoking scm:checkin.
Deploying the artifacts
Code speaking, the release is now done, but no release artifact has been deployed on any Maven repository. The last step is now to release the artifacts, and publish them to the Maven repository hosting them. With Jenkins, this is dead simple, just add the Post-build Action named “Deploy artifacts to Maven repository”. Jenkins will push every artifact generated by the core build to the release Maven repository.
When using a build pipeline, instead of using this, you can rather rely on the Promoted builds plugin to perform that action only when downstream projects pass, which can help you make your release artifacts deployed only when the whole pipeline process is fine!
Making it more usable
So this should sound good, we only have one core build instead of two, and do not publish anything until everything is done and validated. But how can we easily make it a bit more usable? The answer is simple: use the Parametrized Build plugin to provide easy input for important parameters of the different steps, such as:
- The release version (RELEASE_VERSION parameter for instance), so that the pre-step to set the release version can be changed to
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${RELEASE_VERSION}
- The next development version (NEXT_VERSION parameter for instance), so that the post-step that goes back to SNAPSHOT can be changed to
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${NEXT_VERSION}
- The SCM tag to use (RELEASE_TAG parameter for instance), so that the post-step that commits and tags can be changed to
scm:checkin scm:tag -Dtag=${RELEASE_TAG}
These are the three obvious parameters that will change for each job invocation, but any other useful parameter can be added within the parametrized build configuration.
For better input validation, use this in combination with the Validating String Parameter Plugin to use regular expressions that will ensure the parameters are correct and follow your conventions.
Problems and possible improvements
One small annoying thing about not using the release plugin is that the <scm> tag of your project is not automatically updated to reflect the new url, that should point to the tag, not the trunk/branch from where the release has been cut. If this is something you really care about, you can modify the code of the maven-release-plugin (update-versions mojo) to also modify the SCM information, and use this as the pre-step, instead of the versions plugin. Sadly there is currently no mojo that can just perform that SCM URL change.
The Maven release plugin introduced a lot of best practices for people releasing under Maven. But also sometimes introduced a long an painful release process.Once you understand all your needs about release management all the steps provided by the plugin can be transformed in a Jenkins job pre- or post-step.
Having everything managed by Jenkins can dramatically decreased the length and complexity of a release process, removing a bit of its ‘magical’ aspects. Releases can therefore be performed with a single click, and integrate better with other processes, like build pipelines can use.